
TBD. Biophysical Society of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario (May 20-23, 2025)

● From Oscar Joaquin Isasmendi Ramirez: "Sepia Melanin Bio-Inks on Paper-Based Laser-Induced Graphenic Electrodes for Neurotransmitter Detection," Oscar Joaquin Isasmendi Ramirez, Lucien E. Weiss, Clara Santato, Raphaël Trouillon. (May 20, 2025) 

"Imaging Flowing Cells in 3D with Point-Spread-Function Engineering". Microfluidics Gordon Conference, Italy (June 2 (1-6), 2025)

Past talks

Plenary talk, ▣ Seminar, Guest lecture, Invited conference talk, ● Selected conference talk, ○ Other

"Expanding the capabilities of fluorescence microscopy," François Simon, Guillaume Ramadier, Elham Atlassi, Magdalena Laekas-HamederOscar Joaquin Isasmendi Ramirez, Noémie Filion-PatoineArthur Diamant, Laurent Dupuis, Shivani Patel, Ahmed Al Makki, Mathis Ors, David Arsenault-Belley, Yanis Pierre, Lucien Weiss. SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

This presentation included several sub-presentations:
From Lucien Weiss: "How to increase throughput? Line-scanning cameras," E Atlassi, D Trudel, LE Weiss. SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

From François Simon: "Single-molecule localization and tracking," F Simon, LE Weiss. SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

From Guillaume Ramadier: "Super-resolution microscopy: when size matters," G Ramadier, R Itzamna Becerra Deana, C Boudoux, LE Weiss, SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

From Oscar Joaquin Isasmendi Ramirez: "Deploying natural materials as electrochemical detectors," OJ Isasmendi Ramirez, LE Weiss, C Santato, R Trouillon, SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

From Noémie Filion-Patoine: "Toward quantifying protein aggregates in tissue at the micro and nanoscale with high-resolution imaging," N Filion-Patoine, SF Lee, LE Weiss, SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

From Arthur Diamant & Laurent Dupuis: “But have you considered doing your experiment 10,000 times? Liquid handling and automation," A Diamant*,  L Dupuis*, G Ramadier, LE Weiss, SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025). *Equal contribution

From Magdalena Laekas-Hameder: "Using refractometry to assess cell-surface interactions," M Laekas-Hameder, E Cussac, T Daiaa, LE Weiss, SNC Research Group on Neural Signaling and Circuitry, l’Université de Montréal (Feb 04, 2025).

"Stick to it! Quantifying microbial interactions with surfaces," G Ramadier, C Berne, E Cussac, R Kang, B Ferdman, T Daiaa, E Atlassi, M Laekas-Hameder, F Simon, S Patskovsky, S Chakraborty, C Marsan-Loyer, M Meunier, Y Shechtman, A Lawandi, Y Brun, LE Weiss. La semaine de la physique à Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec (January 25, 2025).

"Optical tools for characterizing dynamic cell interactions with nanomaterials," International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2024),  Kigali, Rwanda (December 16, 2024) 

"Watching life stick to the surface," 40e anniversaire du GCM. Polytechnique Montreal (Oct 04, 2024)

"3D localization microscopy in flowing cells," Methods and Applications of Single-Molecule Detection, ACS Fall 2024 meeting,  Denver, CO, USA (August 18, 2024) 

From François Simon: "Optimal detection of complex types of protein motion," Canadian Society of Biophysics; Montréal, Québec (May 21, 2024)

"Image resolution or throughput? We want it all, and we want it now! Toward capturing the behavior of cell populations at the nanoscale," 2e Symposium scientifique du Centre d'innovation biomédicale, University of Montréal, Montréal, Québec  (May 15, 2024)

"Measuring interactions between cells and surfaces at the nanoscale by back-focal-plane microscopy for biosensing and nanoparticle delivery," RQMP Seminar, University of Montréal, Montréal, Québec  (May 6, 2024)

○ "Toward characterization of nanoscale α-synuclein aggregates in Parkinson's disease brain tissue," 4e Journée scientifique du Groupe de recherche sur la maladie de Parkinson et des syndromes apparentés, Montréal, Québec  (April 12 2024)

"Characterizing cell-to-surface interactions at the nanoscale by back-focal-plane microscopy for biosensing and nanoparticle delivery," Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, McGill, Montréal, Québec  (March 21, 2024)

"The Biomachines Nanoscopy Lab," La Soirée Réseautage du Réseau Étudiant Recherche,  l’Université de Montréal , Québec (Feb 20, 2024)

"3D localization microscopy in live flowing cells," Photonics North, Montréal, Québec (June 12, 2023)

From Reut Orange: "3D Printing-Based Fabrication of Diffractive Optical Elements by Near-Index-Matching," R Orange; E Nehme; LE Weiss; B Ferdman; O Alalouf; N Opatovski; Y Shechtman; Optica Design and Fabrication Congress; Québec City, Québec (June 5, 2023)

"Extracting more data from your fluorescence microscope by back focal plane engineering," CRCHUM, Montréal, Québec (April 27, 2023)

"Measuring and understanding nanoscale dynamics in cells," Biomedical Engineering Seminar Series, Tufts, Boston, MA, USA  (April 10, 2023)

From Boya Zhang: "Hyperspectral light field microscopy," B Zhang, R Peters, S Daly, LE Weiss, L Muresan, SI Benaissa, MO Lenz, K O'Holleran, S.F. Lee; Focus on Microscopy 2023, Porto, Portugal (April 4, 2023)

"Imaging speed or resolution, why not both? Quantifying nanoscale dynamics in cell populations by high-throughput localization microscopy," Physics Department Seminar, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario  (March 30, 2023)

"What single molecules can tell us about cell behaviour," Concordia Undergraduate Research Symposium, Montréal, Québec (March 24, 2023)

"Measuring and understanding nanoscale dynamics in cells," La semaine de la physique à Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec (January 25, 2023)

"Characterizing cell-surface interactions at the nanoscale by back-focal-plane microscopy for biosensing and nanoparticle delivery," International Conference of the African Materials Research Society, Dakar, Senegal (December 13, 2022)

"Throughput or resolution - Why not both? 3D imaging of cells in flow," 2e symposium de BiophysiQ, Montréal, Québec (October 6, 2022)

"What's going on in there? Observing nanoscale changes in populations of cells by high-throughput localization microscopy," Physics colloquium, Concordia University, Québec (October 5, 2022)

"The Biomachines Nanoscopy Lab: what watching single molecules can tell us about cell behavior," Polytechnique Montréal Student OSA-SPIE Chapter (September 24, 2021)

"Characterizing dynamic cell populations by localization microscopy," CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, Montréal, Québec (September 10, 2021)

"Progress toward a high-throughput & high-resolution pipeline to quantify nanoscale aggregates in brain tissue," ASAP Team Wood Consortium Meeting, United Kingdom, (July 20, 2021).

"3D localization microscopy in flowing cells," Biophysical Society of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia (May 26, 2021)

"Quantifying nanoscale changes in populations of cells at high throughput with flow-based 3D localization microscopy," CRCHUM, Montréal, Québec (May 21, 2021)

"Toward sampling dynamic cell populations with flow-based 3D imaging," OSA Bio-Optics Design and Applications, Virtual 15 April (2021) Link 

"Bringing 3D localization microscopy to flowing cells," Physical Chemistry Seminar Series, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK (2021)

"Throughput or resolution, why not both? Tracking nanoscale responses in populations of cells by 3D localization microscopy in flow," University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario (2020)

"Directly observing cell-nanoparticle interactions by 3D localization microscopy in live flowing cells," Rocky Mountain Regional ACS Meeting, virtual (2020)

"Label-Free Biosensing by Ultrasensitive Supercritical Angle Refractometry," Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference (2020)

"High-throughput multicolor 3D localization in live cells by depth-encoding imaging flow cytometry," Single-Molecule Sensors and NanoSystems International Conference, Virtual (2020)

"Quantifying nanoscale changes in cells by high-throughput, 3D localization microscopy," Montréal Polytechnique, Montréal, Québec (2020)

"Hedgehog signaling in cilia: One molecule at a time," UK Cilia 2020 Online Seminar Series, Virtual (2020)

"Ultrahigh throughput 3D localization in an imaging flow cytometer," Technion & Tel Aviv Biomed. Engineering Seminar, Haifa, Israel (2020)

"What’s going on in there? Directly observing cellular activation by high-throughput, 3D localization microscopy in live cells," Purdue, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (2020)

"What’s going on in there? Directly observing cellular activation by high-throughput, 3D localization microscopy in live cells," National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA (2020)

"Deciphering Cellular Activation State by Localization Microscopy," University College London, London, UK (2020)

"High-throughput multicolor 3D localization in live cells by depth-encoding imaging flow cytometry," Quantitative Biological Imaging, Oxford, UK (2020)

"Label-free biosensing by ultrasensitive refractometry," 10th Conf of the African MRS, Arusha, Tanzania (2019)

"High-throughput multicolor 3D localization by depth-encoding imaging flow cytometry," Technion Biomedical Eng. Dept. retreat, Israel (2019)

"Label-Free Biosensing by Ultrasensitive Supercritical Angle Refractometry," Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, Munich, Germany (2019)

"High throughput 3D localization microscopy," Technion cytometry course, Haifa, Israel (2019)

"High throughput 3D imaging of pathway activation in live cells by point-spread-function engineering," City of Hope Hospital, Pasadena, CA, USA (2019)

"High throughput three dimensional multicolor localization by point-spread-function engineering in imaging flow cytometry," Israel cytometry conference, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel (2019)

"3D imaging flow cytometry by point-spread-function engineering," Department of Biomedical Engineering, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA (2019)

"Movement," Delta Program High School, State College, PA, USA (2019)

"Advances in Fluorescence Microscopy," Chatham University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2019)

"Ultrasensitive Refractometry via Supercritical Angle Fluorescence," Technion Biomedical Eng. Dept. retreat, Haifa, Israel (2018)

"3D DNA imaging in live cells at ultra-high throughput," NanoBio Intl Conf. on Nanotech & Biosci, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (2018)

"3D Imaging of DNA Loci in Live Cells at Ultrahigh Throughput," Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, USA (2018)

"Characterizing the Motions of Hedgehog-Signaling Proteins on the Surfaces of Live Cells by Single-Molecule Tracking," 9th Conf of the African MRS, Gaborone, Botswana (2017)

"Unraveling Hedgehog Signaling using Single-Molecule Tracking," Gordon Research Symposium, Hong Kong (2016)

"Unraveling Hedgehog signaling one protein at a time by single-molecule fluorescence microscopy," Spectra Physics Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA (2016)

"Using Matlab to Control a Microscope via Micromanager," Stanford Matlab Image Analysis Club, Palo Alto, CA, USA (2015)

"Single-Molecule Tracking of Smoothened Reveals Binding in the Primary Cilium that is Altered by Pathway Agonists," American Society for Cell Biology, Philadelphia, PA, USA (2014)

"Single-Molecule Tracking of Smoothened in the Primary Cilium," Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2014)

"Revealing cell signaling dynamics with single-molecule tracking," Natural Sciences Seminar, Notre Dame de Namur, CA, USA (2013)

"A bacterial relay race," iGEM Jamboree (2007)

"A bacterial relay race," Institute of Biological Engineering, St. Louis, MO, USA (2007)